Welcome to The History Buff!

About The History Buff Artwork

Artie wanted artwork for each episode in order for each episode to be able to tell its own story. He didn't want images, he wanted the art to have a personality. For this, he turned to his twin sister Leila, who is an artist by profession. Here is a little bit about her.
Leila is a UK based artist who works across a range of mediums, most notably printmaking. Her work is an expression of colour and form, with emphasis on the feminine figure. 
Leila has spent the last couple of years honing the digital side of her practice. She grew her skills digitising client artwork and has become proficient at using tech to make her art more accessible for brands who want to utilise her unique style. 
Using a shared google doc, Leila in London has access to Artie in Berlin's History Buff Brief which contains details required for each episode artwork. She will then draw this with fineliner onto paper and scan this onto her computer where she digitises and colours the artwork in photoshop. 
In a world of countless digital artists and graphic designers, Artie chose Leila for her truly individual style which is so prominent in all her History Buff designs.
You can find her work on her website or on Instagram.
Leila next to her some of her works
Leila and Artie