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The Berlin Wall (Part 1): The Prelude to Division

The History Buff is very excited to launch a new series about the Berlin Wall! As a Berlin tour guide, it is obviously a big part of my work as the Berlin Wall is a very prominent (and recent!) part of Berlin's history and is very popular with visitors to the city. Over five episodes we will talk about various aspects of its existence including the events leading up to its construction, the actual building of the Wall, escapes and deaths, life in East and West Berlin and also how the Wall fell and it consequences.

In this first episode, I will explain to you the events that led to the Berlin Wall's construction, including the beginnings of the Cold War and the Berlin Crisis, in a simple bitesize episode. For the rest of the series, I will be joined by fellow tour guides here in Berlin to help explain the fascinating and pivotal story of this barrier built to separate a people, but which came to symbolise the division of an entire world and the tension between them during the Cold War.

For more History Buff episodes and content, go to https://www.thehistorybuff.co/

Artwork by Leila Mead: https://www.leilamead.co.uk/