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The Berlin Wall (Part 3): Escapes, Attempts and Tragedy (with Tina Searle)

In the next episode of the Berlin Wall series, I am joined by another fellow Berlin tour guide - Tina (or as I call her Miss Ernestina). In this third part of the series, I discuss with Tina the various escapes - both successes and failures - and the tragic deaths at the Wall.

With the sealing of the border and building of the Berlin Wall in August 1961, this meant that East Germans that wanted to leave East Germany had to find new ways to do so, and in this episode we delve into those gripping and all-too often tragic stories. Hear about Conrad Schumann's leap to freedom, which became an enduring image of the Cold War. Learn about the multiple daring escapes of the Bethke brothers, involving a blow up mattress, a zip-wire and two light aircraft! And listen to the heartbreaking story of Peter Fechter, whose very public shooting and death at the Wall became a symbol of its brutality. Join us as we explore these remarkable tales of courage and the human cost of division.

Tina's Tours Berlin: https://tinastoursberlin.com/
Günther Wentzel's website: https://www.ballonflucht.de/en/home.html
Conrad Schumann: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDPG4zTdm-w
Bethke brothers home video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8pktA6B5EU